Articolo fatto in giugno 15th, 2019

There are no more white butterflies hovering between the waves and the heads of the bathers between the whims of the children and the sighs of the elderly.   There are no more white butterflies to chase in this September sky wet of rain, full of tears, wide as the sea. There are no more white butterflies in the smile of the glance.   It was a quick flight, lightning what was separating us irregular and conscious candid and...

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My arms once were full of smiling green leaves strong as branches reaching to the sky.   My arms once were flooded by sunlight washed by the spring rains dried by the wind of the night.   Only now I do understand the weariness of my actions the patience of being able to wait the immensity of your love. § § § extract from poems book  “Invisibile infinito amore” Angelo Fonte International copyright © 2013-2023...

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Fatti prendere per mano e sorridi, per favore questa strada dell’amore è un sentiero che va lontano. La miseria è un gioco strano che la vita ci ha insegnato vieni qui bambina canta con me.   Qui nei campi di cotone batte il sole a mezzogiorno, questa vita sembra un forno non si può più respirare. <Sarà questo il tuo destino> mi hanno detto da bambino o Signore vieni resta con me.   Il padrone me l’ha detto finirà la...

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