The Ultimate Guide

How to Create Effective Email Ads That Deliver Results

Image Source: FreeImages

Email marketing is no longer a channel, rather an essential part of any company’s digital presence. With the rise of mobile users, marketers have now taken to targeted email advertising as a means to promote their brand and products in a more targeted manner. If you’re still wondering how to make your email marketing campaign stand out among the rest, here are some tips that might prove useful.

Educate your audience before sending the ads

The best advertisements are those that educate the customers about your product or service. And while you might be tempted to jump right into asking them to buy your product, you first have to make sure that they know what they’re signing up for. This can be done by creating an informative email ad that’s both attractive and easy to read. Your ad’s main focus should be on your product or service, but it can also feature a few additional elements such as your brand, your product’s benefits, and your contact information. You can also add images to your email ad, but avoid using stock images or graphics that don’t have anything to do with your product.

Have a dedicated tracking platform to measure ROI

Advertisers have long used online tracking to see how effective their advertisements are. While email marketing is a form of digital marketing, not many tools exist to help marketers measure the ROI of their campaigns. That’s why you have to turn to other alternatives, such as Google Analytics, to get key insights into how your audience is responding to your emails. If you don’t have a tracking platform in place, you won’t really know what’s working and what isn’t. You won’t know which emails are being read, which links are being clicked, and which links are being ignored. You won’t even know which emails are being deleted without being opened. All of these metrics are essential to know that your email marketing campaign is being effective.

Don’t shy away from using video ads

Video advertisements have proved to be more effective than any other type of advertisement. If you want to attract new customers and improve your click-through rates, video ads are the way to go. Video ads are more engaging, which means that people will take the time to watch your entire ad instead of clicking away as soon as they see it. But before you rush to create an ad, keep in mind that click-through rates for video ads are often lower than other ad types. You also have to make sure that you don’t overdo it. A one-minute video ad is enough to make your point, but a five-minute video ad will most likely put people off.


Email marketing isn’t a channel; it’s an essential part of any company’s digital presence. With the rise of mobile users, marketers have now taken to email advertising as a means to promote their brand and products in a more targeted manner. If you’re still wondering how to make your targeted email marketing campaign stand out among the rest, here are some tips that might prove useful.

The Ultimate Guideultima modifica: 2022-08-10T23:11:57+02:00da timkdmk87-libero