The Importance of Responsive Design in Digital Marketing – A Quick Introduction to the Principles

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Responsive web design has become a cornerstone of digital marketing and user experience. The rise of mobile devices, tablets and other gadgets means that customers are accessing the internet through a variety of different mediums.

As such, it’s essential for businesses to ensure their websites are accessible on all platforms. Responsive web design (RWD) allows you to create a single website that responds to the user’s screen size, rather than creating separate versions of your site for desktop computer monitors, mobile traffic and  phones and tablet devices.

This article will explore the principles behind responsive web design and why it’s so important in today’s digital landscape.

What is Responsive Web Design?

A responsive website is one that has been created with the ability to respond to the device on which it is being viewed. It will fit the screen of the device on which it is viewed, whether that is a desktop computer, a laptop, smartphone, tablet, etc.

The idea behind responsive web design is that there is only one website that responds to the device on which it is viewed — no matter what device is used to access the site. This is unlike traditional web design, which is considered “dynamic” and views each client’s device as a separate computer with its own software that is not compatible with other systems. That is, a company that uses traditional web design will have a different website for each type of device that connects to the internet.

A Quick History of Responsive Web Design

The idea of responsive web design dates back to 2010 and is credited to Ethan Marcotte, a graphic designer who had become frustrated by the fact that the web design industry was essentially using the same static approach that it had been using for 20 years.

In particular, Marcotte had gotten fed up with the fact that people were using desktop computers to view the content on his blog. With a growing number of people using mobile phones and other handheld devices to access the internet, Marcotte felt that the design industry needed a change. As such, he wrote an article for A List Apart titled “Responsive Web Design” that would go on to become the most read article in the history of the publication.

Advantages of Responsive Web Design

– Accessibility: One of the most important advantages of responsive web design is the fact that it makes your website accessible to people who are using handheld devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

With the rise of handheld devices, a significant number of people are choosing to access the internet through these devices. Therefore, if your business does not have a website designed for handheld devices, these people will not be able to access your content.

– User Experience: Another advantage of responsive web design is that it gives companies the ability to provide a consistent user experience across different types of devices. On the other hand, if your company has separate websites for each type of device, it will not be able to control how customers navigate through the site. As such, customers may have a different experience each time they log on to your site.

– SEO: Finally, responsive web design can also help businesses improve their search engine optimization. In particular, Google looks at the mobile version of your site when it is ranking your content for specific keywords. As such, having the same site across all devices may result in a lower ranking on the search engine.

Disadvantages of Responsive Web Design

– Alternative Platforms: One of the biggest disadvantages of responsive web design is that it is not available on other platforms. For example, if you use a responsive website, you will not be able to access this content on a desktop computer.

This may be problematic if your customers primarily use desktop computers to access your content:

– Additional Resources: Another disadvantage of responsive web design is that it requires companies to invest in additional resources, such as content management software and new web development tools. On the other hand, traditional web design does not cost anything extra.

– Long-Term Approach: Finally, a disadvantage of responsive web design is that it is a long-term approach to the way that companies create their websites. On the other hand, traditional web design can create a new website within a few weeks.

Key Elements of Responsive Web Design

– Multiple Breakpoints: Another important element of responsive web design is multiple breakpoints. Breakpoints refer to the points at which the content on your site stops flowing from one column to two in order to fit the various screen sizes.

– Legible Text: Another important element of responsive web design is legible text. This means that your site’s content should be easy to read no matter what type of device it is being viewed on.

– Appropriate Graphics: Another important element of responsive web design is appropriate graphics. This means that companies need to select images that work well on all devices, including handheld devices. These are just a few of the key elements of responsive web design.

There are many more that are also important to keep in mind when creating your site.


The rise of handheld devices has greatly affected the web design industry. If a company does not have a website that can be viewed on handheld devices, many people will not be able to access the content. This is where responsive web design comes in. With this approach to web design, companies are able to create a single website that works for all devices.

With responsive web design, companies are able to provide their customers with a consistent user experience across handheld devices. This means that customers will always be able to access the same content, regardless of which device they choose to use.

However, companies must keep in mind that responsive web design is not an appropriate solution for every company. In particular, businesses that primarily serve customers who use desktop computers should stick with traditional web design.

The Ultimate Guide To Retargeting: How To Win At Retargeting

The Ultimate Guide to Retargeting: Win With Second Chance Conversions

The entire world of digital advertising is obsessed with the term “real-time.” But in reality, retargeting remains one of the most effective ways to reach potential customers again after they’ve visited your website or viewed your ads. This practice is so effective, in fact, that it has been used as a marketing tool for centuries.

So why are we seeing so much interest in it now?

The answer: technology and advanced data analysis make this a perfect time for advertisers to once again harness the power of retargeting. With the rise of dynamic retargeting, you can use images from your website to advertise your products on other sites — and even show them to people who have previously visited your site without revealing that you did so. Read on to discover everything you need to know about this essential technique for Social media advertising.

What Is Retargeting?

Retargeting is an online marketing technique that shows advertisements to people who have previously visited your website or searched for your products. The hope is that the advertiser’s ads will encourage these visitors to make a purchase, but if they don’t, then retargeting allows advertisers to continue to reach out to these individuals with reminders about their products. This strategy isn’t new.

Retargeting has been around for decades, and marketers have used it in various forms for years. The rise of the internet, though, has made it far easier to retarget consumers, thanks to the ability to track and build a profile of website visitors and the rise of dynamic retargeting.

How Does Retargeting Work?

Retargeting works by monitoring the actions of users on your website, as well as people who visit your product pages or your advertisements. These individuals are placed into a retargeting “bucket,” which allows you to continue to reach out to them even if they don’t convert the first time.

In other words, retargeting allows you to follow up with the individuals who visit your website or come across your advertisements and make them an offer. There are several ways to do this. For example, you might place an advertisement on a website that your target audience frequently visits, or you might use a Google ad to place a retargeting advertisement on a relevant search result.

Retargeting can be done through a variety of platforms, including social media, search engines, and an advertiser’s website. Retargeting ads don’t have to be the same ones that initially enticed a customer — in fact, they often display different advertisements to appeal to individuals who have already demonstrated interest in your products.

The Benefits Of Retargeting

Retargeting is an excellent way to reach individuals who have previously visited your website or shown interest in your products. It allows you to appeal to these people with reminders about your products and offers, so you can increase sales without having to find new customers. If you’ve already established a relationship with these customers, you can also make them feel more comfortable with purchasing from you.

This can happen in a few ways:

– You can reduce the number of steps needed to purchase a product.

– You can provide the customer with a coupon or discount.

– You can offer a free sample. Retargeting can also help you build your brand by reminding customers of your products.

It allows you to continue reaching out to potential customers even if they don’t immediately act on their initial interest in your products.

The downsides of retargeting

There are a few downsides to retargeting, but they’re not enough to significantly limit its effectiveness. The primary issue is that it might irritate customers. Retargeting works best when it’s subtle enough that customers don’t even notice it.

If customers feel like you’re being too aggressive, they might turn away from your products. However, some customers will appreciate the offer and consider purchasing your product. In fact, some people will appreciate being reminded of a product they’ve already considered buying website traffic. Retargeting also comes with certain challenges. One is that it’s pretty difficult to retarget visitors from a mobile device. Another is that it can be pretty challenging to retarget people who use incognito or private browsing.

How To Achieve Success With Retargeting?

There are several ways to achieve success with retargeting. The first thing you need to do is determine which platform you’ll use for retargeting. There are several tools that make it easy to set up and track your retargeting efforts.

Urgency is also key. You want to get your retargeting advertisements out as soon as possible. The sooner you can reach out to customers, the more likely they are to make a purchase.

Retargeting can be challenging, especially if you’re not sure how to do it, but there are tons of resources online that can help you get started. You can also work with a retargeting company to handle the heavy lifting, so you can focus on your core business.


Retargeting is an incredibly effective marketing tool. It allows you to reach out to potential customers again, even if they don’t make a purchase the first time. It can also help you build your brand and decrease the number of steps needed to complete a purchase.

There are several ways to use retargeting, and many digital marketing platforms make it easy to set up. You can also work with a retargeting company to simplify the process even further. Retargeting is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. It can help you increase sales and expand your customer base, and it can also help build your brand.