Reasons behind fridge leakage and its solution

Your fridge really helps you to store food for a long time, especially in summertime. But from some days you are getting to see some water leakage from your fridge. And, this problem needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Before you move forward to fix this problem through any Fridge Repairs professionals, you will need to know about the reason behind the problems. So with this post, we are going to help you solve the problem easily. So let’s get started.

Reasons behind fridge leakage and its solution

1- Fridge inclined towards forward of floor

If the fridge is inclined towards the forward of your floor then it will create problems as it creates problems with coolant. This is why it is important that the fridge remains inclined to the floor in a backward direction so that the coolant can run properly.

2- Clean the drain hole If you still getting the same problem then you might be searching for some Fridge Repairs solutions as well.
So, this is the other solution to the same problem. Make sure to clean the drain hole because it gets clogged up with food particles which then stops water from draining. This situation creates the problem of overflow or leakage. All you need to do is plug off your fridge. Now locate the drain hole and pour some soap water and ammonia to kill bacteria. You can use any cleaner to clean the hole. Now you need to flush the hole with some water and the problem should be solved.

3- Damaged drain pan.

The other Fridge repair idea for this problem is to check the drainage pan. It’s normal for a fridge to leak some amount of water but the water is supposed to be collected in the built-in pan. This pan is most likely to not get damaged. But if it’s leaking and gets cracked up then it’s a matter of tension. So you would need to go to the backward side of your fridge and pull out the drain pan smoothly as it contains water. If the pan is damaged then you will need to get a change for it.

4- Food storage method

There are many of the high moisture items that you store in your fridge. This can be a reason for the leakage of the fridge. If you put too much food against the side wall then it’s going to push down water into the salad drawer creating water flow.

If you don’t come right then it’s time to call Fridge Repairs Near Me and get professional assistance in your area. The technicians will inspect your fridge, advise on the issue and provide you with a quotation to have it repaired at your premises. These repairs usually don’t cost a lot, the technician will either have to replace a defrost sensor or an element and the fridge will remain functioning like new. 

Do not hesitate to contact us on 0115685011 or 0875512667 if you require technical assistance.


Reasons behind fridge leakage and its solutionultima modifica: 2023-11-03T15:06:37+01:00da henrymalan0077

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