How to apply gamification to online courses on Gamification Platform

Gamification Platform has come up with well-developed software for the easy management of educational lessons. We will be requiring the gamification APIs in order to integrate gamification in any of the process. For example, we rely on game form for software such as designing interactive parts in the classroom, homework and school management, lesson plans, etc.

Let’s get started together.

2.1. Give badges instead of regular scores

It is important to reward students with badges based on each student’s achievement. At Gamification Platform, you can reward your students with badges for each successful completion of individual courses, assignments and courses. Gamification Platform possesses three distinct features:

  • Reward each student
  • Commendation to all students on the podium
  • Reward students on the list

We always provide and update the award list so teachers can check the badges and can report on each child’s own progress. In the award list, the student’s trophy rating and the number of trophies are always shared for easy control.

We create blog posts and YouTube videos that can help users design an engaging online classroom in no time. Through these functions, we have added all the strategies that can assist you in engaging your students in online learning sessions.

2.2. Ask questions in the form of timed quizzes

Quick quizzes are useful for checking student progress. Most of the time, these puzzles are timed. The purpose of applying these quizzes is to train students to maintain their time. In addition, we also provide small writing boards for teachers who have more than 35 students in the classroom.

2.3. Create interesting quests

Gamification Platform has a large variety of fun quests available in the portal. One of the gamification examples is in a dice operation. ESL teachers love using dice to create games. These fun tasks have a huge impact on student learning. Because when experiencing these games, students can learn more because there are fun elements involved.

2.4. Personalization reflects learning performance

Teachers are supported by means, which make it convenient to monitor the individual activities of students. Report the learning outcomes for each student. Various tasks and tests are provided to monitor academic performance.

2.5. Create a community in your online course

Online education is the new normal. It is very important for teachers and school administrators to create a healthy community in the online classroom. We offer many different combinations to solve this problem. One of the most important features of our software is the availability of chat windows. In the chat window, students are supported by facilities that make it easy to initiate conversations during online sessions.

All of the above elements are available at Gamification Platform. We always provide a good monitoring system for instructors to monitor the level and achievement of learners. Gamification Platform successfully captures learners’ attention by letting them experience interesting tasks. Also engage students with some rewards and badges to boost their motivation to try harder. All the very best for your gamification of your future projects.


How to apply gamification to online courses on Gamification Platformultima modifica: 2023-02-14T12:23:20+01:00da henrymalan0077

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