How to apply pink acrylic dip glitter powder in 5 steps

How to apply pink acrylic dip glitter powder to look good? Many girls can not resist the temptation of pink, especially like pink, now in addition to pink clothes and pink shoes, you can also put a beautiful pink painted on the nails, but galglitter here recommend the use of white skin girls, hands black to be careful with oh, because the hands black painted pink will look more black.

Here the pink Acrylic dip glitter powder is half painted method, painted half stay half, so that it does not appear to be not breathable, but also not rigid, painted to suit your need to use some props, so the method is less work. To have more layers in this nail art, we will set diamonds in the last step. Without further ado, let’s do it together!


The steps to apply pink acrylic dip glitter powder will hopefully help you.


1: Prepare pink, big red, and white acrylic dip glitter powder and small diamond ornaments. First, apply a good clear base coat to the nails.


2: Prepare a few transparent stickers; first, stick them on the back of the hand a few times to remove the stickiness.


3: Stick clear stickers on the diagonal corners, paint the other side with pink cheer, stagger the junction with red and white origin dots and then cross it with a nail art pen.


4: In addition to the oblique ones, you can also draw V-shaped ones to make the nails more versatile in terms of flower patterns.


5: Stick small bright diamonds at the top of the V shape and finally apply a clear top coat.

Buy galglitter acrylic dip glitter powder must pay attention to the following points: 1, clean packaging, no leakage. 2, color mix evenly. Will not separate or precipitate. 3, trade names. 4, marked with the name and address of the manufacturer or agent, in case you buy acrylic dip glitter powder from unknown sources. 5, marked with the factory date or batch number. 6, the preservation period, so as not to buy expired acrylic dip glitter powder. 7, chemical smell. Bad acrylic dip glitter powder can easily cause nail dryness and yellowing.

How to paint pink acrylic dip glitter powder looks good? The above is the way to paint pink acrylic dip glitter powder. If you also like pink may wish to control the above way to paint yourself. If you have black hands, it does not matter, and you can also change the pink color to suit your color. I believe there will be a different effect but certainly are beautiful, if you like, hurry up and try it.


02  Caitlin

Price: 58rmb/15ml


The official word is denim tannin, but in fact, it only looks blue-violet when the light is good outdoors and grayish in indoor light.


The color of this color is very different from the thick and thin application, and a point more or less will affect the effect because the blue-violet color is added to a not low proportion of gray tone and does not show yellow hands.
















03  Cinnamon Price: 58rmb/15ml


The cinnamon color with a metallic feel, painted up, will be more mature and will also be more difficult to match clothes, but this does not harm its beauty.






Warm tone, very white, but also easy to set the hand bloodless.



How to apply pink acrylic dip glitter powder in 5 stepsultima modifica: 2022-11-29T09:22:02+01:00da henrymalan0077

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