Pemecahan Masalah Pemanas Air / Kemungkinan Penyebab & Perbaikan

Pemecahan Masalah Pemanas Air / Kemungkinan Penyebab & Perbaikan

Tidak ada yang ingin kehabisan air panas, terutama selama musim dingin. Sementara kebocoran air menangis untuk bantuan profesional dan kebocoran gas panggilan untuk evakuasi segera dan bantuan dari perusahaan utilitas, masih ada banyak yang dapat anda lakukan untuk memecahkan masalah dan memperbaiki pemanas air anda di saat-saat sulit.

Pemanas air digunakan setiap hari untuk mandi, mencuci piring, mencuci pakaian, dan banyak lagi. Ketika tidak menghasilkan panas, itu bisa menjadi masalah serius dan ketidaknyamanan.

Peringatan: jika Anda pernah mencium bau gas (belerang, bau busuk seperti telur), segera evakuasi seluruh rumah tangga dan hubungi perusahaan gas atau pemadam kebakaran Anda.

Tidak Ada Air Panas

Kontrol suhu-naikkan suhu; kami merekomendasikan sekitar 120-130 derajat. Jika kontrol suhu atau termostat rusak, hubungi profesional untuk mengganti rakitan termostat.

Pilot Light Out-menyala lagi pilot. Ikuti instruksi yang terletak di tangki dan berhati-hatilah. Pastikan tidak ada gas built-up dengan mematikan off line dan menunggu sekitar 10 menit untuk semua gas untuk menghilang.

Termokopel – jika termokopel (bagian yang menutup aliran gas jika tidak ada cukup panas) rusak, mungkin mematikan aliran gas secara permanen. Hubungi profesional untuk penggantian.

Periksa daya-jika pemanas air tidak menerima daya, periksa sakelar master pemanas air dan pemutus sirkuit/kotak sekering.

Cutoff suhu tersandung-lepaskan panel akses dan tekan tombol reset.

Terkadang, jika burner tidak menyala atau ada elemen pemanas yang rusak, Anda harus mengganti elemen (mungkin kedua elemen). Perbaikan atau penggantian ini sebaiknya diserahkan kepada para profesional.

Terlalu sedikit air atau tidak cukup panas

Kontrol suhu-naikkan suhu; kami merekomendasikan sekitar 120-130 derajat. Jika kontrol suhu atau termostat rusak, hubungi profesional untuk mengganti rakitan termostat.

Saluran Gas tertutup sebagian-pastikan katup gas terbuka penuh. Putar pegangan saluran gas sepenuhnya sejajar dengan pipa gas untuk membukanya (putar pegangan tegak lurus ke pipa untuk mematikan aliran gas).

Api Pilot / Burner Tidak Biru-sama seperti api tungku Anda, api pemanas air Anda harus berwarna biru. Warna lain selain biru menunjukkan bahaya pembakaran. Jika tidak Biru, jangan mencoba memperbaiki warna nyala sendiri. Hubungi seorang profesional.

Pembakar tersumbat – jika port burner Anda tersumbat, Anda mungkin dapat membersihkannya dengan sikat gigi bekas. Pastikan Anda mengikuti petunjuk persis dan mematikan jalur suplai gas sebelum melanjutkan. Hubungi profesional jika Anda ragu.

Tegangan rendah-hubungi perusahaan utilitas Anda

Sekali lagi, penyebabnya mungkin perakitan pemanas yang rusak. Jika ini masalahnya, hubungi profesional untuk penggantian.

Air Terlalu Panas

Kontrol suhu-turunkan suhu; kami merekomendasikan sekitar 120-130 derajat. Jika kontrol suhu atau termostat rusak, hubungi profesional untuk mengganti rakitan termostat. 140 derajat biasanya terlalu panas untuk penggunaan sehari-hari dan untuk rumah tangga dengan anak kecil.

Blocked Flue-pastikan buang tidak diblokir. Matikan pemanas air Anda dan membersihkan obstruksi buang sebelum restart pemanas air.

Cutoff suhu panas yang rusak atau perakitan pemanas – hubungi profesional untuk mengganti bagian yang rusak ini.

Suara (Membenturkan, Gemuruh, Bersiul, Dll.)

Gemuruh – terlalu panas)-kenakan sarung tangan kerja dan coba buka katup pelepas tekanan suhu yang terletak di bagian atas pemanas air. Jika uap atau air mendidih keluar, segera matikan pemanas air dan hubungi profesional.

Bersiul / mendesis / gemuruh (penumpukan sedimen) – seiring waktu, sedimen dan mineral berkumpul di dasar tangki. Pengeringan dan pembilasan tangki secara berkala dapat mencegah masalah ini. Hubungi profesional untuk memastikan. Anda mungkin juga perlu mengganti elemen pemanas.

Whistling / Popping – Burner Assembly) – jika burner Anda tidak disesuaikan atau tidak berfungsi, hubungi profesional untuk penyesuaian, perbaikan, atau penggantian.

Air bocor

Jika Anda melihat penumpukan air atau kebocoran air di sekitar pemanas air Anda, periksa hal berikut:

Katup pembuangan bocor – cukup kencangkan katup dengan tangan (hati-hati jangan sampai terlalu kencang). Jika katup pembuangan rusak, mengganti mesin cuci katup dapat memperbaikinya. Jika tidak, hubungi profesional.

Buka katup pelepas tekanan suhu-periksa katup pelepas tekanan suhu di bagian atas tangki dan pastikan tertutup. Jika rusak, hubungi profesional.

Tangki Tua Yang Berkarat – ini sangat berbahaya. Jika Anda melihat korosi pada tangki Anda, jangan menunggu kerusakan air besar untuk bergerak. Hubungi profesional segera untuk penggantian penuh. Agar aman, Anda mungkin ingin mematikan pasokan air dan menguras tangki sambil menunggu penggantian.

Elemen pemanas bocor-jika air bocor dari elemen water heater Solahart anda, hubungi profesional segera. Anda mungkin perlu mengganti elemen pemanas, mengencangkan baut pemasangan, atau mengganti gasket. Jangan mencoba ini sendiri!

Audits Of Baby Transporters


There is an immense deficiency of good and fair surveys of baby transporters accessible online for guardians today. While trying to make up for this shortfall, we have taken our abilities as a whole, information and long stretches of involvement and given you out rundown of the Main 10 baby transporters. We looked for and merged every one of the accessible audits out there on the web, dissected the data, added our own insight and thought of the accompanying rundown:

Ergo Baby Execution Cost ~ $115.00

Guardians all over the planet go on and on about the Therefore Execution and for good reasons. It is as we would see it the best baby transporter accessible today and at a cost it merits. The Hence Execution has the adaptability of a wrap (can be worn front, back and side) in addition to the sturdiness and soundness of an appropriate baby transporter. It has extraordinary weight dissemination and pockets for capacity. Taking into account this baby transporter is great for children recent months old, you should think about the Consequently Newborn child Supplement or then again utilize a towel under the baby’s bum for the initial not many months. You can likewise purchase the Consequently front pocket which will give you considerably more extra room would it be a good idea for you want it.

Beco Butterfly 2 Natural Cost ~ $139.00

The Beco Butterfly 2 is made in the US and is great for babies to youthful babies. This baby transporter has a ton of beneficial things making it work. We like the way that it accompanies a baby embed for babies and a strong head support for the baby, both which are removable. It comes in various shadings and plans and can be worn both on the front and on the back. The Beco Butterfly 2 has delicate cushioned shoulder lashes and security clasps to forestall inadvertent opening. Beco transporters overall are effectively changed in accordance with oblige for a developing baby and a cushioned midsection belt which offers lumbar help for the parent. The Beco Butterfly is not difficult to get in and out of and the main justification for why it isn’t number 1 is its absence of appropriate stockpiling compartments. On the off chance that it had these it would be number 1 instantly.

Moby Wrap Unique Cost ~ $39.95

What we love about the Moby Wrap is its modest cost joined with the way that it does the occupation of an appropriate baby transporter. It probably won’t have the strength of the Consequently and the Beco, yet when you have it one it has a solid sense of reassurance and secure. On the off chance that cash isn’t a choice we would pick the Moby Wrap for the initial 3-4 months, trailed by the Therefore or the Beco. Assuming that you choose to purchase both the Moby Wrap is extraordinary while going around the house getting things done or then again on the off chance that you have different youngsters the require you consideration. The Therefore/Beco is better on those more drawn out strolls or going to the shops.

BabyHawk Mei Tai Baby Transporter Cost ~ $90.00

The BabyHawk MeiTai has similar characteristics as the Moby Wrap, despite the fact that comes at over two times the cost. We are addressing if it merits the extra $50, however it ought to be noticed that this transporter can be utilized both front, back and hip, making it more flexible than the MobyWrap. Like the MobyWrap, it circulates weight equitably across the entire back utilizing wide wraps.

Baby Bjorn Natural Solace Cost ~ $140.00

Surveys of baby transporters are not finished without a Bjorn. We have taken a gander at many surveys of baby transporters where the Bjorn has won, be that as it may, subsequent to having tried it appropriately we don’t completely accept that it merits the number 1 spot.

No inquiry, the Baby Bjorn Solace is an extraordinary baby transporter and odds are good that you would be extremely content with it, for your first, second and third kid. Notwithstanding, there are two or three things that lets it down. As a matter of first importance the cost. The RRP of the Bjorn Solace is $199.99, which we accept is silly whenever contrasted with the $115.00 Hence. We have figured out how to track down the best cost for you at $140.00, making it a fair piece more reasonable. Furthermore, the Solace is a piece massive to heft around with you, however all that cumbersomeness brings about a truly agreeable baby transporter once you put it on.

BabyHawk OhSnap! Cost ~ $140.00

The Baby Bird of prey brand’s second expansion to this Best 10 rundown is the OhSnap! Model. It is to some degree more costly than the Mei Tai, yet it comes an enormous assortment of plans and tones and has a real sense of reassurance and secure when on.

The interesting thing about this baby transporter is that once you put it on and place your baby in it, maybe the baby is embracing you, which is a truly pleasant inclination. Out of all the baby transporters we tried, this one appeared to be the one infants enjoyed the most, and consequently alone it merits a spot in the Best 10.

7. Boba Unique Cost ~ $100.00

This transporter is great for any baby 16 month old milestones. It doesn’t have a legitimate head piece for the baby, so until they have acquired head control themselves, this ought not be your decision. When they have nonetheless, this transporter does the work and does it admirably. It has extraordinary cushioning around the shoulders and back and the weight dissemination is phenomenal with heavier kids. It has no capacity compartments which is a let down, however with everything taken into account an exceptionally strong baby transporter.