RCM – Macchine per la pulizia industriale e urbana in tutta Italia

CM progetta, produce e distribuisce in tutto il mondo macchine per la pulizia industriale e urbana dal 1967 Scopri la nostra vasta gamma di prodotti per la pulizia industriale Trova la soluzione che fa per te lavapavimenti, spazzatrici, monospazzole, combinate e tutte le altre macchine per la pulizia industriale , per pulire pavimenti duri e moquette

RCM – Machines for industrial and urban cleaning throughout Italy


Since 1967 it has been designing, manufacturing and distributing industrial and urban cleaning machines all over the world with a vast commercial network. RCM SpA, acronym of Raimondi Costruzioni Meccaniche, was one of the first Italian manufacturing companies in the cleaning sector, born and raised in Modena, in the center of a territory characterized by a strong entrepreneurial spirit with a vocation for quality mechanics and innovation. It is conducted with managerial methods but the “family” ownership adds a value of continuity and direct relationships that increase its reliability towards commercial partners, customers and institutions. Today it is the fourth generation of Raimondi that guarantees all this.


You can find RCM in Modena, Bologna, but also in the rest of Italy. Floor washers and sweepers in Verona, Mantua, Trento , but also Rome, Milan: in every city of Italy there is an RCM dealer.

Write to us to find out which one is closest to you: contact us





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RCM – Macchine per la pulizia industriale e urbana in tutta Italiaultima modifica: 2021-02-21T04:32:52+01:00da asadwaleed2020

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