L’aumento degli attacchi informatici in Italia dimostra che COVID-19 sta influenzando la sicurezza informatica

Recentemente, l’industria della sicurezza di rete sta affrontando un cambiamento importante, tentando di fornire le disposizioni più eccezionali contro tutti i pericoli che possono verificarsi passo dopo passo. Stabilimenti globali, governi, grandi organizzazioni, piccoli, sforzi medi e persone sono totalmente interessati e pronti a garantire le proprie informazioni e strutture IT.

In 2020, about 19% of Italian respondents admitted that social unrest was the fundamental driver of illegal actions in Italy. The second key reason respondents demonstrated was the absence of serious discipline, just like simple deliveries. Furthermore, 10.9 percent of respondents revealed that the unreasonable presence of settlers caused guilt in Italy. Additionally, a significant number of us reported surviving cybercrime.



Recently, the network security industry is undergoing a major change, attempting to provide the most exceptional provisions against all dangers that may occur step by step. Global factories, governments, large organizations, small, medium endeavors and individuals are fully interested and ready to secure their information and IT facilities.

The figures show that Italy is also a victim of such attacks. Malware is the most widely recognized type of digital attack, followed by DDoS and Defacement attacks. Assault strategies, such as Phishing, Soc. Eng and SQLi are also used regularly. However, more often than not, digital assault procedures are obscure, making the identity of offenders problematic.

As recently mentioned, numerous elements are potential targets. Legal clearance, sports, wellness, style and footwear were all victims of digital assaults in Italy in 2014. By all accounts, policy management focuses on the most noteworthy part of cyber attacks, with around 29% comparing more than 10 cyber attacks in 2016. Cyber ​​crime report read complete on pst justice .


In addition to being a danger, cyberattacks also face an expense that organizations must anticipate with conviction. As indicated by the information, the normal cost of a real digital assault reached € 3,605 in 2016. Despite this, organizations do not seem to want to detail the cyber attacks; 42.7 percent announced that the cyber attack was irrelevant, while nine percent said they didn’t know who to report the incident to.

These are some of the most used cybercrimes we have seen in Italy.

1. Phishing Scams

Most fruitful cyber attacks – 91% as indicated by a PhishMe survey – begin when interest, fear, or a desire to move quickly cause someone to enter individual information or hook up a connection.

Phishing messages mirror messages from someone you know or a company you trust. They are meant to trick people into giving away individual data or tapping into a vengeful connection that downloads malware. Many phishing attacks are sent out every day.

2. Spoofing of the site

The word parody means lying, stunts or cheating. Site ridicule is where a site intends to look like an authentic one and trick you into believing it is an authentic site. This is done to gain confidence, gain access to your frameworks, acquire information, collect money, or spread malware.



Site caricature works by recreating a real site with the style, flag, user interface, and even area name of a large organization to trick customers into entering their usernames and passwords. This is how the disbelievers capture your information or drop malware on your PC.

Satirize sites are generally used in connection with an email linking to the poorly designed site. The parody of the site happened in bad luck of $ 1.3 billion a year ago.

3. Ransomware

Ransomware is a current specialized curve towards wrongdoing that has been around for a long time: coercion. At its core, ransomware works when thugs take something of extraordinary value and demand a payment in exchange for its return. For most organizations, this includes encrypting organization information. When ransomware strikes, organizations crash and workers can’t shoulder their responsibilities.

Without restorable backup information, the organization is generally helpless in the face of the attacker who will hold your information captive in exchange for a decryption key that you can buy with Bitcoin.

Ransomware has developed into its malware classification and should be an essential concern for all associations. McAfee revealed that new ransomware attacks rose 118% somewhere in the range of 2018 and 2019.

4. Malware

Norton defines malware as “malicious programming” explicitly intended to access or damage a PC. Due to the ransomware, it aims to keep your information captive; however he is not the loner type. There may be numerous targets for malware – influence, impact, cash, data – but the result is consistently equivalent: a tedious and regularly costly recovery effort.

Regular types of malware include:

• Viruses that spread, damage utility and degenerate documents

• Trojans disguised as authentic programming that discreetly makes indirect logins to allow other malware to enter the organization

• Worms that can contaminate all the gadgets associated with an organization

• Ransomware that holds your information captive

• Botnet: An organization of tainted cooperating gadgets heavily influenced by an attacker

5. IOT hacking

The Internet of Things is a cutting-edge existence that has opened the experiences in our daily schedules and business cycles to the web. If we like, these web associated objects collect and exchange information. As you most likely know, information is important and, therefore, programmers hope to abuse any gadget that totals it.

The more “stuff” we associate, the juicier the programmers reward becomes. This is the reason to remember that individual passwords and corporate passwords all have a place with people … with reminders we know will allow us to quit from time to time. Cyber ​​crime report read full on pst justice .



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L’aumento degli attacchi informatici in Italia dimostra che COVID-19 sta influenzando la sicurezza informaticaultima modifica: 2021-02-03T05:02:49+01:00da asadwaleed2020

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