Vantaggi di giocare a tennis corsi tennis torino

Il tennis, che si colloca tra i giochi più popolari al mondo, offre un brillante esercizio per tutto il corpo e alcuni altri benefici più sottili. Inoltre, gli sport con racchetta a bassa oscillazione, come il badminton o il tennis da tavolo, possono essere decisioni accettabili per le persone che hanno determinati disturbi o sono più esperti.

If you haven’t played tennis on the net since high school, you should get a racket again. A new report proposes that people who regularly play racquet sports may reduce their chances of passing due to cardiovascular failure or stroke.


The court turin , which ranks among the most popular games in the world, offers a brilliant exercise for the whole body and some other more subtle benefits. Additionally, low-wobble racquet sports, such as badminton or table tennis, may be acceptable decisions for people who have certain ailments or are more experienced.


However, as many aficionados surely know, the greatness of this game is that you can play it for life. You can change your degree of effort based on what you feel comfortable with throughout the duration of a match.

Advantages of playing tennis


1.The perfect social activity

Tennis can be played in pairs or singles, but you still have to play with someone else. Having the ability to associate with opponents and accomplices is an immense advantage of the game! You are also surrounded by other people who share comparative interests and goals, which is physiologically satisfying. It is an amazing path for young players to make friends and develop their social skills.


2.Helped the brain power

Consider zero calorie tennis mental food! Playing tennis can improve basic reasoning, mental acuity, and strategic inference by creating brain associations.


Tennis also manages serotonin, a mental synthetic connected to the cycle of rest, hunger and the passionate state. Do you find it difficult to rest or hold back your feelings under tight restrictions? Get on the pitch!


3 Fight and prevent disease

Tennis helps 768 to 1,728 calories. align your lipid profile while keeping cholesterol low. This can reduce the chance of suffering from cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure and stroke. Improved flexibility Agility and balance.

Have you ever watched tennis on TV and the players are constantly stretching and coming to keep a ball in play? Tennis is a game where you constantly move, change course and extend your body. By playing tennis regularly, you will also see an improvement in agility and adaptability.


Notes: Make sure you stretch well when matches!


4. Weight reduction

Tennis is a great cardio exercise, especially if you play single. Run, spin, extend and move every part of your body continuously.

According to the American Dietetic Association, sports players can consume 600 to 1,320 calories per two-hour single game, while serious players can consume 750 to 1,730 calories.


5. Relieves Stress

We have stress in our lives, but tennis is a great way to fight this pressure! The problem with just going for a run or jumping on a circular would say you’re still able to let your psyche run: “What do I make for dinner? Week; I have a huge time limit at work.” The roundup continues.



6.It is a lifelong sport

Unlike most games, tennis can be played at any stage of life. You don’t see many 60s, 70s or even 80s playing American football or running on a soccer field. However, many retired people play and enjoy the sport of tennis.

It’s a game that can be played effectively with teammates, all things being equal and at all levels of well-being!


  1. Stay away from tennis injuries
  2. Refrain from playing with a previous illness or injury. If all else fails, talk to a specialist.
  3. Warm up your muscles and joints under the gaze of hitting the pitch.
  4. Maintain a sufficient level of well-being: embrace training and exercise preparation explicit to the actual needs of tennis.
  5. From time to time, injuries can occur in tennis due to redundancy of strokes. The right strategy and playing the volume of tennis that suits your well-being levels can prevent injuries. Make sure you have plenty of fluids available and drink constantly.
  6. Play at a level indicated by your age and mood.
  7. On the off chance that court conditions are wet, consider playing indoors or postponing the match, particularly if the surface is difficult.

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Vantaggi di giocare a tennis corsi tennis torinoultima modifica: 2021-01-30T19:34:16+01:00da asadwaleed2020

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