Asset and Financial Investigations aim to respond in a targeted and exhaustive way to the need to get to know one’s business partner, supplier or customer in depth.

They can concern private investigations or corporate investigations but property and financial investigations represent the main motivation for starting the investigation activity, but what are the main reasons that lead to requesting the intervention of the staff of IDS INVESTIGAZIONI DETECTIVE SOLUTIONS?

Patrimonial, financial, commercial and economic investigations? IDS INVESTIGATIONS DETECTIVE SOLUTIONS
professional in investigations and research of patrimonial information on banks, real estate, assets hidden off shore can answer your questions.

We support all companies that need to find quick and effective answers and solutions to problems of a property, economic or financial nature, or there is a need to activate investigative investigations in the field of property or financial issues, both corporate and private, we are sure to be able to be the solution to your needs by finding the answers. Our patrimonial and financial investigations are able to trace hidden resources in Italy and abroad. Our investigators, through the investigations, carry out an in-depth research of financial connections, tracking and mapping of funds, investigation of hidden activities and the analysis of fraudulent transfers.

Through various and complex investigative and information gathering activities, we can find hidden work activities at an international level in tax havens or “free zones”, and we can also proceed with the identification of bank records and brokerage accounts attributable to the person or to the company. Our investigations and findings are used not only in bankruptcy and debt situations, but also in divorce cases, pre-divorce proceedings, where substantial family wealth will need to be split between the parties, and other cases. of family law.

The investigation that will lead to the determination of the real assets will be conducted by our private investigators starting from the areas in which there may be interests by examining:

  • Properties (private and commercial)
  • offshore properties (we are able to investigate in most countries of the world)
    cars, boats, etc
  • international and Italian offshore banking screening
  • investments in stocks, bonds, etc
  • trust funds and trust loans
  • pensions and insurance policies
  • boards of directors
  • shares of private companies
  • corporate interests “off shore / tax havens”
  • Property and financial investigations,
    The information gathering activity is aimed at acquiring official information and unofficial and confidential news that will allow us to answer all these questions.

The information allows for effective collection and aggregation of:

official data and information such as chamber of commerce information, balance sheet data, protest control and verification;
unofficial and/or confidential data such as press reviews, searches on web engines, cross-checks on related companies, historical precedents on companies and shareholders, information collected during telephone interviews;
analysis data and performance forecasts, comparisons of various kinds, economic and financial assessments, checks and cross-checks;
real estate information and assessments and many other additional information.

We at IDS INVESTIGATIONS DETECTIVE SOLUTIONS Investigations carry out investigation activities throughout the national territory with contacts throughout Europe.




IDS ITALIA Agency Investigations is the number one investigating agency in Italy, leader for investigations in Italy.

All our surveys and investigations are documented with a detailed reports and video footage.

IDS ITALIA Agency is a detective agency legally authorized and the owner is a detective with long and important experience that allows him to deal with any kind of investigation.

Our work and our investigations in Italy are timely and effective. The detectives of our agency have gained experience at the most reliable investigation of reality that operate in synergy with staff from various military and police branches. They are therefore able to deal competently the work entrusted, guaranteeing always the result.

Our main goal is “never leave our customers without answers”.

We offer a quality/price ratio very beneficial and a guaranted level of confidentiality, privacy and absolute discretion.

Confidential work in absolute secrecy and discretion.

Detective  is the founder of  IDS ITALIA agency investigations  of experience in investigations for individuals and businesses.

Enabled with regular government license, issued by the Prefecture of Milan, Italy.

Permissions for private investigations and investigations within the company in Italy.


Italian Private Investigations Agency  IDS Italia

 Chiamaci per richiedere una consulenza gratuita oppure un preventivo

International Detectives

Apprezzata dai clienti per i “risultati” ottenuti, si è evidenziata anche per la sua professionalità, riservatezza, caratteristica fondamentale in tale ambito.

L’investigatore privato titolare dell’agenzia IDS ITALIA, dopo un trascorso ricco di esperienze maturato nelle forze dell’ordine ha maturato professionalità, nel campo operando in svariati settori, in Italia e all’estero. La professionalità è titolarità indispensabile per la concretizzazione dei risultati e l’eccellente attività dell’ agenzia IDS Italia è certificata dai numerosi e brillanti risultati, raccolti in campo civile e penale. 

L’agenzia IDS ITALIA, pone in campo una esperienza ultraventennale nel settore delle investigazioni e utilizza tutte le opportune tecniche nell’attività di intelligence, ricercando mezzi e sistemi sempre all’avanguardia, avvalendosi, nello specifico, di esperti del settore di provata affidabilità e concreta maturata esperienza professionale, con studi strategici finalizzati al raggiungimento dell’obiettivo.

La nostra agenzia investigativa, attraverso la ricerca approfondita di fonti di prova e/o elementi di verità, rappresenta uno strumento essenziale, strategico e concreto per la tutela della libertà del cittadino e per la raccolta di materiale giuridicamente valido da rappresentare in sede di giudizio. L’agenzia investigativa IDS ITALIA opera da anni,  raggiungendo i più elevati standard qualitativi, ottenendo prove concrete, avvalendosi di investigatori privati di provata esperienza e riservatezza.

Se un dubbio vi attanaglia e per qualsiasi informazione per risolvere i vostri problemi personali e professionali su investigazioni private, investigazioni aziendali, investigazioni tecniche scientifiche, investigazioni finanziare e commerciali, non esitate a mettervi in contatto con noi per richiedere un preventivo gratuito.


Private Detectives, Private Investigators It’s a Private Detectives in Milan City (Italy), by Detective in

Private Detectives Agency IDS ITALIA – in Milan City (Italy) – The Mission Statement”

The goal at IDS ITALIA private detectives is to meet your needs providing you with, “your key to the truth” at the same time ensuring that the evidence developed will be credible within the strict rules governing evidence and privacy laws.

Private International Detectives

Crown Intelligence offers a full range of Private international detectives, with an aim to be able to meet most investigation requirements. We operate throughout the Italy and also Europe and most countries worldwide. Our Private Detective services are listed below, although we are able to offer some other services not in list and we would invite you to call us to discuss your requirements.

Our Private Detectives are all fully trained, we have professional personnel and many are drawn from the police and armed forces. We work closely with many legal companies within Italy also Europe, and we have experienced in providing a service in line with legal requirements and also for legal use.


IDS ITALIA è un’organizzazione internazionale con corrispondenti online in tutto il mondo:

La nostra organizzazione ci consente di svolgere indagini a livello nazionale ed internazionale e per la privacy alcune indagini internazionali vengono svolte direttamente dai nostri agenti in collaborazione con colleghi corrispondenti.


Francia, Spagna, Germania, Svizzera, Principato di Monaco, Belgio, Olanda, Danimarca, Svezia, Norvegia, Austria, Lussemburgo, Italia, Croazia.

Nelle Città:

Parigi, Londra, Madrid, Amsterdam, Berlino, Ginevra, Zurigo,

America nord / centro / sud:

Stati Uniti d’America, Messico, Cuba, Cile, Costa Rica, Repubblica Domenicana, Giamaica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Brasile, Bolivia, Argentina.

Nelle Città:

Los Angeles, New York, Città del Messico, L’Avana, Santiago, San José, Santo Domingo, Kingston, Città del Guatemala, Tegucigalpa, Managua, Panama, Caracas, Bogota, Lima, Rio De Janeiro, San Paolo, Bahia, Sucre, Buenos Aires.

Asia e Sud Est Asiatico:

India, Repubblica di Singapore, Thailandia,

Nelle città:

Bombay, Singapore, Bangkok.


Nelle Città:

Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne.

Paesi Arabi ed Africa

Africa, Turchia, Sud Africa, Arabia Saudita, Egitto, Kenya, Tanzania, Oman, Marocco,

Nelle Città:

Tunisi, Nairobi, Città del Capo, Riyad, Dakar, Il Cairo, Antananarivo, Dodoma, Mascate, Tripoli.

Se un dubbio vi attanaglia e per qualsiasi informazione per risolvere i vostri problemi personali e/o professionali su investigazioni aziendali, investigazioni private, investigazioni tecniche scientifiche e investigazioni finanziare e commerciali, non esitate a mettervi in contatto con noi per richiedere un preventivo gratuito.



Tutti i nostri servizi sono documentati con prove video/fotografiche e dettagliate relazione.

  • Infedeltà aziendale e Privata
  • Affido e riduzione assegno mantenimento
  • Verifica stato civile: matrimonio,  prole e moralità;
  • Ricerca persone scomparse;
  • Investigazioni per infedeltà;
  • Indagini commerciali società estere, con verifica sul posto;
  • Ricerche Bancarie e Patrimoniali, nel mondo  compreso  paradisi fiscali;
  • Indagini affidabilità professionale, export manager, partner commerciali ecc;
  • Investigazioni aziendali
  • Concorrenza sleale
  • Rapimenti e sottrazione di minori;
  • Ricerca conti correnti e proprietà mobili ed immobili;
  • Indagini Patrimoniali;
  • Indagini su truffe internazionali;
  • Indagini Società Off Shore;
  • Indagini su promotori finanziari scomparsi;
  • Indagini Matrimoniali;
  • Indagini Patrimoniali;


Svolgere investigazioni private nei confronti del coniuge, collaboratori, soci e dipendenti non è un illecito in quanto tale attività è regolamentata dalle autorizzazione prefettizia ai sensi dell’art. 134 del T.U.L.P.S.  e D.M. 269/2010


per richiedere una consulenza gratuita oppure un preventivo

(Regolamento Generale sulla Protezione dei Dati – Regolamento UE 2016/679 – General Data Protection Regulation o “GDPR”)
Documento aggiornato al 25 maggio 2018 (vers. 1.0)