Why DG Sets are Increasingly Becoming Popular in Thailand?

In Thailand there is a significant development in various infrastructures such as resorts, hotels, hospitals, offices, and others, which is generating a large necessity for power backup solutions, for instance, DG sets.

Moreover, DG sets are also gaining popularity in Thailand due to the increasing need for power generation systems on islands with unreliable or no grid connectivity. For example, as per an article in Taipei Times, Ko Phaluai Island in Thailand has zero central electricity source, as a result, individuals utilize small diesel-fueled generators to provide power.

DG sets can be turned off or on in just a few seconds, therefore these machines have fast response and by utilizing a liquid fuel, they can function without interruption for a long duration.

Increasing Residential Societies in Thailand Boost DG Sets Sell

Funding by governments and real estate organizations is increasing in the residential sector of Thailand. The advancement of the residential sector is well accompanied by that of the sector of corporate because it is boosting the requirement for semi-urban and urban housing, which significantly increase the need for DG sets in residential area.

Moreover, the Thailand government has enlarged its funding to develop and enhance its infrastructure in the last few years, via public–private partnerships and public investments. During the last decade, the Thailand government invested around USD 116 billion for the infrastructure progression. This will generate a positive impact on the sales of DG sets in the nation.

Types of DG Sets Used in Thailand

DG sets can be categorized based on their power rating, types of DG sets include 5–75 ­kVA, 76–375 kVA, 376–750 kVA, and above 750 kVA. Among these, the above-750-kVA DG sets are the most extensively used type in Thailand. This is mainly due to the high-power necessity in the industrial settings in the nation.

The nation is a top producer of high-tech goods, particularly those related to electronics and automobiles. In addition, the emphasis of the nation is on the manufacturing of additional value-added products, for its economic advancement, which urges startups to increase their facilities of production, as a result, increasing the need for DG sets.

Coming to an End

The DG set sector in Thailand is likely to advance significantly in the years to come with the surging competition between major providers of DG set. Furthermore, new businesses are more involved in collaborating with other providers, therefore further increasing the levels of competition.


Charging Ahead: Exploring Trends and Innovations in the EV Fast Charging Infrastructure Market

There is no doubt in the fact that EVs are the future of the vehicle industry. But one thing that is still left to be addressed is the time taken to charge an electric vehicle.

Fast Charging Always the Question

The common question asked with respect to EV is always, will EVs be charged in the amount of time taken to fill up a tank of a vehicle with petrol, diesel or even gas. Innovations have been happening in order to decrease the time taken for the electric vehicles to charge.

Governments are trying to come up with initiatives to boost the sales of electric vehicles, but this dream can turn in reality only than there is a proper fast charging infrastructure all over the world.

Why Not Slow Charging for EVs?

Slow charging, usually takes 6 to 12 hours at a 3kW power. Fast charging is becoming common in public infra, can take 1 to 3 hours at a power of 7-22kW.

Ultra-fast charging is the need of the hour to achieve the dream of complete electrification of vehicles, as will the infra for charging an ever-growing vehicle count. This infra could, eventually, be arranged in charging hubs in city centres, as planners build shifting mobility necessities into city design.

Managing the Grid Well

The power grid will take a huge toll, with the fast charging infra coming in place for charging electric vehicles, so a lot of thinking will be put in place for developing such an infra for fast charging, that charges the vehicles in a jiffy, and at the same time do not put much burden on the grid.

If a lot of vehicles are charged at the same time, then there is every chance that the grid will overloaded. Innovative solutions are needed to be thought of to build a bridge between the demand and supply. Battery storage systems can also be thought of.

 Can Ultra-Fast Charging Become a Reality

In the current scenario, as mentioned earlier, there is a call for an ultra-fast EV charging to say the least. But, can it become a reality anytime soon, remains the biggest question to be answered.

Regulatory hurdles are the biggest blockage to the development of an ultra-fast charging network, and there has to be continuous support from the governments to tech advances if it is to become a reality, anytime soon. Working with the network operators for electrification of transportation will hasten both the acceptance of EVs but also the rate at which charging infra is built out across the globe.

With an intention to quicken the adoption of EV, the demand of the fast charging infrastructure will grow substantially in the future, to reach USD 18,909.8 million by the end of this decade.

What is Automotive Ethernet? Everything You Need to Know

Today’s automobiles are producing and transmitting huge quantities of data in order to execute advanced driver assistance systems, cameras and sensors, onboard diagnostics, smart safety systems, and in-vehicle-infotainment systems. Such in-vehicle networks need much quicker speeds than what has historically been possible utilizing buses like LIN, CAN/CAN-FD, PSI5, FlexRay, SENT, and CXPI networks.

Also, the need for better integration between vehicle subsystems is propelling fundamental architectural changes with a focus on scalable architectures and complex topologies, including gateways connected to a backbone.

Beyond the technical needs, such in-vehicle networks are also required to be cost-effective, light in weight, and work in rough conditions and extensive temperature ranges. They also require to be tremendously dependable, especially for systems made to protect the security of the passengers.

Automotive Ethernet answers all of these demands.

The automotive ethernet market is witnessing growth and is projected to reach USD 10 billion by 2030.

What is Automotive Ethernet?

Vehicle Ethernet is a low-latency, high-speed network physical layer. Vehicle Ethernet is based on recognized ethernet standards, and modified for use in automobiles. It utilizes a single pair of unprotected twisted cables for lightweight and low price.

It is made to permit the transfer of high volumes of information between in-vehicle modules to aid contemporary powertrain, ADAS, comfort, and infotainment systems. There are numerous different automotive ethernet standards, such as 10GBASE-T1, 100BASE-T1, and 1000BASE-T1, which can transfer information at speeds from 100 Mb/s to 10 Gb/s.

Benefits of Automotive Ethernet

In vehicles, automotive ethernet components provide numerous advantages, including:

High data rates allow high-speed, high-capacity data communications

  • Low latency offers negligible delay for real-time systems such as ADAS
  • High dependability with good noise immunity
  • Light in weight, space-effective, and lucrative cabling
  • Based on deep-rooted standards from reputable standards bodies

Moreover, automotive ethernet has been proven to meet the needs of both capacity and integration. For the purpose of achieving high data rates and reliability, automotive ethernet cables shall use PAM3/PAM4 modulation as opposed to nonautomotive Ethernet.

In the short term, however, automotive Ethernet can transport data approximately 100 times more rapidly than a bus and is better suited for future vehicle networks that will need to be capable of meeting their needs in terms of both performance and flexibility. The CAN, CANFD, LIN, and other networks are still relevant but they may prove less important in the next few years.

Automotive Ethernet Standards

As new workings for automotive Ethernet developed and speeds became quicker, standards establishments released new test and compliance needs that automotive makers and their suppliers should meet. To ensure the interoperability of hardware and the safe, predictable operation of the vehicle in different situations and working conditions, severe restraints are placed on noise, signal levels, and clock characteristics.

The testing methods specified by the standards, though deep-rooted for stationary Ethernet networks have made new design challenges for numerous automotive engineers familiar with working with slower serial buses like CAN and LIN.

Browse detailed report on Automotive Ethernet Market Size, and Business Strategies

How Is Food Preservative Industry Supporting Chitosan Market Growth?

Factors such as the rising consumption of chitosan in the biomedical, wastewater treatment, agrochemical, food and beverage, cosmetic, and bioplastic industries and increasing research and development (R&D) activities being carried out in this compound are expected to facilitate the chitosan market growth during the forecast years (2021–2030). According to P&S Intelligence, the market was valued at $1.8 billion in 2020. Chitosan refers to biodegradable and non-toxic sugar, which is derived from the hard outer skeleton of crab, shrimp, and lobster.

In recent years, the increasing shift of the food preservative industry from formalin to chitosan has become a major trend in the chitosan market. Food preservatives are added to perishable food products to extend their shelf life. Consumption of formalin-based preservatives leads to the occurrence of cancer, lung diseases, and skin ailments. Owing to the harmful effects of formalin, chitosan is being increasingly used as a food preservative by food and beverage companies. Moreover, the higher biocompatibility of chitosan than formalin will also fuel its use as a food preservative in the coming years.

Currently, the prominent players in the chitosan market, such as Primex ehf, KitoZyme LLC, FMC Corporation, Axio Biosolutions Private Limited, Bio21 Co., Heppe Medical Chitosan GmbH, Meron Group, AgraTech International Inc., and Marshall Marine Products Private Limited, are focusing on product launches to consolidate their position. For instance, in April 2020, Axio Biosolutions Private Limited introduced a next-generation chitosan-based wound dressing named MaxioCel. This dressing offers high comfort and rapid healing to patients suffering from skin abrasions, pressure ulcers, venous leg ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, post-surgical wounds, cavity wounds, and donor site wounds.

Geographically, Asia-Pacific (APAC) held the largest share in the chitosan market during the historical period, and it is also expected to demonstrate the fastest growth throughout the forecast period. This can be attributed to the chelating feature of chitosan, which makes it ideal for the treatment of heavy-metal-laden industrial effluents. Moreover, the increasing R&D activities being conducted in chitosan and the surging incidence of chronic diseases will also augment the market growth in the region in the forthcoming years.

Thus, the rising consumption of chitosan in the biomedical and food and beverage industries will support the market growth in the upcoming years.

Innovative Impressions: Navigating the Trends in the Printed Electronics Market and Future-Ready Applications

Electronics are manufactured with the help of silicon or other semiconductor materials for a fairly long time. The process is complex as well as time-consuming. However notable miniaturization, high-performance and low power is attained. Instead, making flexible silicon-based electronics is not that easy either.

For addressing this issue, a new tech has arisen, the printed electronics. This blog will provide some valuable info on this tech, concentrating on how it can be used in practical applications.

What on Earth are Printed Electronics

Talking of printed electronics tech, it is a novel way to produce electronics, with the use of standard graphic arts printing procedures, for example screen printing, flexography and inkjet printing, numerous electronic devices and circuits can be fabricated on unconventional substrates. Nearly any material can be put to use for this purpose, be it plastic, paper, and textiles.

These sorts of next-gen electronics can be ultra-thin, stretchable, flexible. Furthermore, printed electronics make use of a simple and cost-efficient low-temperature manufacturing procedure and are compatible with automated mass production printing by the roll-to-roll principle.

Creation of Hybrid Electronics

It will be rally tough for printed electronics to compete with conventional silicon-based electronics in terms of reliability, performance, and capability to handle intricate designs. But the possibility of inserting electronics in any object and that too at a low cost seems an enticing prospect. So, the printed electronics are seen as a complementary tech for the conventional electronics.

This understanding inspires the formation of hybrid electronics. These can have the best qualities of the two. Such a hybrid system comprises a single or numerous silicon ICs for computational power and wireless communications, and sensors, actuators and possibly display manufactured with the printed electronics tech. The system can moreover be integrated on a flexible substrate all together or split in a flexible or rigid part.

 What are the Applications of Printed Technology?

It is because of all the unique characteristics; printed electronics can bring about new possibilities for numerous attractive applications that are either not practicable or not a perfect for the silicon-based electronics. Printed sensors are perhaps the most popular in the printed electronics and various sensor can be manufactured in all shapes and sizes on thin foils. Strain, force, humidity and gas sensors are some instances of the sensors.

Useful for IoT 

Internet-of-Things products in healthcare, retail, wearables, industrial and consumer applications are remarkably benefitted by with the use of printed sensors.

An example of this is a fall detection system, equipped with sensors embedded under the floor in housing units for aged people and assisted living facilities. This system is able to monitor the position of the people and movements in a room and sense instances when the help of the caregivers is required on an urgent basis

Coming to a Conclusion

It is because of the growing consumer electronics industry all over the world, the demand for printed electronics is on the rise. This trend will continue in the future as well, and the total value will reach USD 42.4 billion, by the end of this decade.

Electrifying the Roads: The Surging Demand and Benefits of Electric Powertrains

In a world where sustainability and invention go hand in hand, the vehicle sector is experiencing a ground-breaking shift towards electric powertrains. The need for electric vehicles (EVs) fortified with electric powertrains has observed an unprecedented rise, propelled by both ecological consciousness and the tempting assistances these futuristic systems bring to the table.

The electric powertrain market is witnessing growth and is projected to reach USD 226.3 billion by 2030.

Unprecedented Demand:

The global requirement for electric powertrains has risen steeply in the past few years, copying the rising concentration in electric-powered vehicles. Customers, businesses, and governments are progressively spotting the requirement to transition from outdated internal combustion engines to electric-powered choices. This requirement for the rise might be credited to many reasons, with ecological issues topping the list. An electric powertrain system is a system of components that generates and delivers power to the road surface for electric vehicles.

Environmental Benefits:

The environmental advantages of electrical powertrains are possibly the most compelling thing driving their call. Unlike traditional combustion engines that rely upon fossil fuels, electric-powered powertrains operate on power, notably lowering greenhouse gas emissions. This shift aligns with worldwide efforts to fight air pollution and mitigate the impact of climate change.

Economic Benefits:

The advantages of electric powertrains enlarge past the environmental realm, supplying compelling monetary benefits. Electric automobiles typically have decreased operating prices as compared to their conventional outdated counterparts. With fewer shifting parts and simplified preservation necessities, proprietors of electrical vehicles enjoy decreased expenses associated with upkeep and servicing.

Additionally, governments worldwide are making an investment in the development of charging infrastructure, further incentivizing the adoption of electric motors. This infrastructure not only enables convenient charging but also stimulates job creation and economic boom. As electric powertrains become extra usual, the related economic blessings are poised to have a widespread effect on various industries and nearby economies.

Technological Advancements:

Electric powertrains are at the forefront of technological innovation in the car sector. These systems boast superior functions, including regenerative braking, advanced power efficiency, and seamless integration with clever technologies. The constant evolution of electric powertrain technology contributes to better performance, longer battery life, and extended use variety, addressing early concerns approximately the practicality of electrical vehicles.


Revolutionizing Mobility: Unveiling Trends in the Software-Defined Vehicle Market

The value of the software-defined vehicle market stood at USD 268.8 billion in 2023, and this number is projected to reach USD 489.7 billion by 2030, advancing at a CAGR of 9.0% during the projection period.

Software is projected to advance at the highest CAGR of 9.5%, credited to the numerous benefits it provides, like easy driving experiences and better safety. The rise in the requirement for software-defined cars is mainly because of the increasing requirement for security and the rising sale of EVs.

The ADAS category is projected to witness substantial development during the projection, credited to the growing knowledge among people of the safety of passengers and drivers. Along with this, the costs of in-car electronic safety systems are reducing, which is permitting more individuals to purchase vehicles combined with them.

On the basis of autonomy, level 3 is projected to advance fastest, as level 3 autonomous vehicles are fortified with the ability to spot the environment and make better decisions for themselves. These decisions comprise keeping the ideal speed as per the traffic and weather circumstances.

It is considered a conditionally automated level, where the driver is capable of handling the automobile themselves in numerous situations. In January 2023, Mercedes-Benz declared the receipt of the sanction of the U.S. government for level 3 driving features.

The Asia-Pacific region is dominating the software-defined vehicle industry, and it will grip the same position during the projection period, accounting for a worth of USD 147.8 billion by 2030. The development is credited to the surge in the concentration on safety and the decrease in the number of accidents.

China retains its lead position within the Asia Pacific region and is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate of 8.8% over the forecast period. This is due to the swift technological development of its vehicle sector, as well as the adoption of advanced manufacturing techniques in order to increase production.

Catalyzing Industry: Navigating Trends in the Industrial Enzymes Market

As per a report by a market research institution, P&S Intelligence, the industrial enzymes market is experiencing significant growth, and it will continue like this in the years to come as well.

The growth of the industry is mainly due to the widespread R&D activities, increasing environmental concerns, quick industrialization, the mounting requirement for bioethanol, advancement in the nutraceutical sector, and growing requirement for protease and carbohydrase in the food & beverage sector.

Industrial Enzymes Market
Industrial Enzymes Market

In the past few years, the carbohydrases category, based on type, accounted for the largest industrial enzymes market share. This is credited to the several applications of this enzyme in numerous industries, such as animal feed, food & beverage, and pharmaceuticals.

In recent years, the microorganism category, based on source, accounted for the dominating industry share, and it will advance significantly in the years to come. This is credited to the fact that various enzymes are derived from fungi, yeast, and bacteria.

Based on application, the food & beverage category accounted for a significant share in the past few years. This is because industrial enzymes are important in nutritious food & beverage product production.

In the past few years, the North American industrial enzymes industry accounted for the largest industry share, both based on value and volume, and it will remain the largest in the years to come.

Moreover, the growth in the regional industry is ascribed to the increasing number of clinical trials to develop effective therapeutics, surging technological advancements, rules for biofuel production, the existence of global players, the growing food and beverage processing sector, and rising high-performance items developments for instance biopolymers, processed food, and biofuels.

A major trend observed in the industry is the multifunctional utilization of industrial enzymes.

The depletion of non-renewable resources has resulted in the increasing importance and requirement of bioethanol production, which has a small impact on the environment. Ethanol derived from biomass can be used as a replacement, octane enhancer, or extender for traditional motor fuels, for instance, diesel, kerosene, and gasoline in countries which has excess agricultural capacity.

Chemical Dynamics: Navigating Trends in the Chlorobenzene Market

The global chlorobenzene market is experiencing growth, according to P&S Intelligence. This growth can be ascribed to the high requirement for chlorobenzene in the personal care sector and for the manufacturing of high-performance polymers. Furthermore, the high-volume utilization of chlorobenzene as an agrochemical and as a solvent for rubber making will fuel the development of the industry.

Chlorobenzene is a chemical precursor to numerous items, such as cosmetics, adhesives, paints, drugs, dyes, and polishes, which have faced a major interruption in their making and sales during this pandemic.

In the coming few years, on the basis of type, paradichlorobenzene is estimated to experience the fastest development in the chlorobenzene industry. This can be credited to the increasing production of polyphenylene and polyphenylene sulfide, both of which need paradichlorobenzene as a raw material.

In recent years, the nitrochlorobenzene category had the largest share in the chlorobenzene industry, based on application. This is mainly because 4-nitro chlorobenzene is a vital intermediary in the making of common industrial items, like sulfur or azo dyes, agrochemicals, polymers, and the antioxidants utilized in rubber making.

The agriculture sector had the largest share, in terms of both income and volume, in the chlorobenzene market in recent years, on the basis of industry. This is primarily credited to the heavy utilization of chlorobenzene in pesticides, insecticides, and other agrochemicals.

In recent years, the APAC region dominated the chlorobenzene market. This can be credited to the fact that China is the globe’s top creator of chlorobenzene, which is growing in utilization in the making of herbicides and polyphenylene sulfide resin.

Trichlorobenzene is utilized in the pharmaceutical sector to create the intermediates of numerous drugs, such as vitamin and antibiotics supplements. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has taken accountability to reinforce the local making of vital generic medications in least-advanced and emerging nations, like Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Kenya.

Furthermore, research and development for novel medications to cure chronic illnesses has increased in recent years. All these reasons are projected to have a significant impact on the industry for chlorobenzene.

Powering the Last Mile: Navigating Trends in the India Electric Rickshaw Battery Market

In June 2023, the Uttarakhand High Court has asked the Nagar Palika Parishad to convert all pedal/cycle rickshaw permits to e-rickshaw permits. This is in keeping with the rising demand for these eco-friendly modes of short-distance transport across the country. According to the Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations (FADA), electric rickshaw sales in the country in February 2023 were 89% compared to February 2022.

India Electric Rickshaw Battery Market
India Electric Rickshaw Battery Market

Most of these sales are powered by the government initiatives to urge people to shun their petrol/diesel vehicles, at least for short distances and last-mile commuting, and opt for public transport instead. For instance, in 2020, the Tamil Nadu government had unveiled over 10 types of battery- and solar-powered rickshaws. The state government had also announced its EV policy in 2019 with the aim to garner USD 7 billion (INR 500 crore) worth of investment in EV manufacturing.

Moreover, a report had pointed out that only eight Indian states had fewer than 1,000 of these registered three-wheelers and that Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, and Bihar topped in e-rickshaw registrations, with 403,411; 117,885; and 108,669 vehicles registered. Such numbers hint at a major opportunity for companies in the Indian electric rickshaw battery market, which has been forecast by P&S Intelligence to reach USD 295.4 million by 2030.

Just like any EV, the battery and motor are the costliest components of an e-rickshaw. This is why the battery needs to be highly efficient, allowing for long driving ranges on a full charge, and have a long overall life for it to be cost-effective. Up till half a decade ago, sealed lead–acid (SLA) batteries were preferred because they were the only ones available, widely known, and cost-effective.

However, with concerns over the short driving range, disposal issues, short life, and fewer charge cycles they entail, lithium-ion batteries are becoming increasingly popular. Still, despite their advantages of a higher charge capacity, lower self-discharge rate, more charge cycles, and longer life, their sales are somewhat marred by their higher price. This is because lithium and cobalt, two of the key materials utilized in these power storage systems, are costly.

Moreover, since India sources all of its lithium from other countries, the import duty makes it even more expensive. Between the April of 2022 and January of this year, we imported lithium worth INR 18,763 crore. However, in February 2023, the Geological Survey of India found 5.9 million metric tonnes of Li reserves in the Reasi district of Jammu & Kashmir. With the government planning to swiftly auction the blocks to private players for extraction, Li-ion battery production in India could get a boost and the prices of these components could come down.

Other states with possible reserves of this key metal are Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Gujarat, and Ladakh (UT). Experts believe that with India beginning to locally source lithium, the price of cells for Li-ion batteries could come down by up to 30%, which could make e-rickshaws cheaper by 15%, if not more.