Quantum Sensors Market Will Reach USD 889.4 Million by 2030

The total value of the global quantum sensors market was USD 251.4 million in 2022, and it will rise at a growth rate of above 17.1% between 2023 and 2030, reaching USD 889.4 million by 2030. This can be credited to the wide utilization of such sensors to ‘re-build’ an extensive variety of businesses and applications. Quarks, protons, gluons, neutrons, and electrons are utilized in the quantum mechanics concept. This sensor has an enormous demand in the aerospace, defense, and healthcare industries credited to its benefits over orthodox technologies.

Quantum Sensors Market
Quantum Sensors Market

The technical improvements in quantum sensors are the major reason propelling the development of the industry. This can be credited to the increasing acceptance of this technology in numerous sectors, like oil & gas, aerospace, healthcare, and defense.

Moreover, as more R&D is done in the field of science and technology, a more-vital role will be played by such detectors. They have the capability to offer improved accuracy and sensitivity, which can be attained by making utilization of quantum phenomena, like superposition and entanglement. This makes it likely to gauge physical properties, like electric fields, magnetic fields, temperature, and gravity, with better precision and speed.

In 2022, on the basis of product type, the atomic clocks category held the largest share, of 40%, in the quantum sensors industry, and the category is also projected to remain dominant in the future as well. This can be credited to the excellent accurateness of such instruments, improvements in technology, growing demand for exact timing, and ongoing research and development. Such reasons combine to guarantee that atomic clocks serve an extensive variety of sectors and applications that hinge on exact timekeeping and synchronization.

North America is the largest quantum sensors industry, contributing approximately 45% of the global revenue, and it is further projected to remain dominant in the future as well. This is credited to its solid technical infrastructure, high expenditure in R&D, the existence of key end-use sectors, and helpful government guidelines in the continent.

Hence, the wide utilization of such sensors to ‘re-build’ an extensive variety of businesses and applications are the major factor propelling the quantum sensors market.

FPGA Market Will Touch USD 23,991.2 Million by 2030

The FPGA market was USD 9,121.1 million in 2022, and it will propel at a 12.8% CAGR, to touch USD 23,991.2 million, by 2030.

The growth of the industry is attributed to the growing acceptance of advanced driver assistance systems, surging data centers and high-performance computing deployment, and mounting utilization of IoT and AI technologies all over the world. Furthermore, with the increasing utilization of this technology, the requirement for field-programmable gate array (FPGA) hardware verification is increasing in avionics applications.

In 2022, the SRAM category, based on technology, held the largest FPGA market share, of 60%, and it will remain the largest in the years to come. This is attributed to the advantages offered by SRAM, including high performance, flexibility, in-system reconfiguration, and easier usage. Applications based on static random-access memory (SRAM) technology can be found in various industries, such as aerospace & defense, automotive, communications & networking, and consumer electronics.

Additionally, the SRAM technology is extensively used in aerospace & defense applications for communication systems, radar processing, signal intelligence, and secure data transmission. Moreover, in military settings, the ability of field reconfigurable these components possessed is particularly beneficial for avionics, electronic warfare, high-performance computing, and cybersecurity, which will further drive the advancement of this category throughout this decade.

In 2022, the 20–90 nm category, based on node size, held the largest share in the industry, and it is expected to remain the largest throughout this decade. This is attributed to the advantages offered by 20–90-nm FPGAs, such as reconfiguration freedom, low power consumption, and great performance.

APAC held the largest share in the industry, of 50%, in 2022, and it is likely to remain the largest during this decade. This is primarily attributed to the rising investment in the communications & networking sector in the continent. This will also boost the requirement for FPGAs in India in the years to come, as the country is focusing on telecom infrastructure advancement, such as the 5G connectivity deployment to boost its economy.

The North American FPGA industry is advancing at a steady pace, owing to government initiatives to promote electronics & semiconductor businesses to use more of the FPGA technology to attain cost-efficiency. Additionally, the defense and telecommunications industries, as well as the ICT sector, are progressing in North America, therefore, boosting the utilization of FPGAs in the region.

Innovative Impressions: Navigating the Trends in the Printed Electronics Market and Future-Ready Applications

Electronics are manufactured with the help of silicon or other semiconductor materials for a fairly long time. The process is complex as well as time-consuming. However notable miniaturization, high-performance and low power is attained. Instead, making flexible silicon-based electronics is not that easy either.

For addressing this issue, a new tech has arisen, the printed electronics. This blog will provide some valuable info on this tech, concentrating on how it can be used in practical applications.

What on Earth are Printed Electronics

Talking of printed electronics tech, it is a novel way to produce electronics, with the use of standard graphic arts printing procedures, for example screen printing, flexography and inkjet printing, numerous electronic devices and circuits can be fabricated on unconventional substrates. Nearly any material can be put to use for this purpose, be it plastic, paper, and textiles.

These sorts of next-gen electronics can be ultra-thin, stretchable, flexible. Furthermore, printed electronics make use of a simple and cost-efficient low-temperature manufacturing procedure and are compatible with automated mass production printing by the roll-to-roll principle.

Creation of Hybrid Electronics

It will be rally tough for printed electronics to compete with conventional silicon-based electronics in terms of reliability, performance, and capability to handle intricate designs. But the possibility of inserting electronics in any object and that too at a low cost seems an enticing prospect. So, the printed electronics are seen as a complementary tech for the conventional electronics.

This understanding inspires the formation of hybrid electronics. These can have the best qualities of the two. Such a hybrid system comprises a single or numerous silicon ICs for computational power and wireless communications, and sensors, actuators and possibly display manufactured with the printed electronics tech. The system can moreover be integrated on a flexible substrate all together or split in a flexible or rigid part.

 What are the Applications of Printed Technology?

It is because of all the unique characteristics; printed electronics can bring about new possibilities for numerous attractive applications that are either not practicable or not a perfect for the silicon-based electronics. Printed sensors are perhaps the most popular in the printed electronics and various sensor can be manufactured in all shapes and sizes on thin foils. Strain, force, humidity and gas sensors are some instances of the sensors.

Useful for IoT 

Internet-of-Things products in healthcare, retail, wearables, industrial and consumer applications are remarkably benefitted by with the use of printed sensors.

An example of this is a fall detection system, equipped with sensors embedded under the floor in housing units for aged people and assisted living facilities. This system is able to monitor the position of the people and movements in a room and sense instances when the help of the caregivers is required on an urgent basis

Coming to a Conclusion

It is because of the growing consumer electronics industry all over the world, the demand for printed electronics is on the rise. This trend will continue in the future as well, and the total value will reach USD 42.4 billion, by the end of this decade.

Electrifying the Roads: The Surging Demand and Benefits of Electric Powertrains

In a world where sustainability and invention go hand in hand, the vehicle sector is experiencing a ground-breaking shift towards electric powertrains. The need for electric vehicles (EVs) fortified with electric powertrains has observed an unprecedented rise, propelled by both ecological consciousness and the tempting assistances these futuristic systems bring to the table.

The electric powertrain market is witnessing growth and is projected to reach USD 226.3 billion by 2030.

Unprecedented Demand:

The global requirement for electric powertrains has risen steeply in the past few years, copying the rising concentration in electric-powered vehicles. Customers, businesses, and governments are progressively spotting the requirement to transition from outdated internal combustion engines to electric-powered choices. This requirement for the rise might be credited to many reasons, with ecological issues topping the list. An electric powertrain system is a system of components that generates and delivers power to the road surface for electric vehicles.

Environmental Benefits:

The environmental advantages of electrical powertrains are possibly the most compelling thing driving their call. Unlike traditional combustion engines that rely upon fossil fuels, electric-powered powertrains operate on power, notably lowering greenhouse gas emissions. This shift aligns with worldwide efforts to fight air pollution and mitigate the impact of climate change.

Economic Benefits:

The advantages of electric powertrains enlarge past the environmental realm, supplying compelling monetary benefits. Electric automobiles typically have decreased operating prices as compared to their conventional outdated counterparts. With fewer shifting parts and simplified preservation necessities, proprietors of electrical vehicles enjoy decreased expenses associated with upkeep and servicing.

Additionally, governments worldwide are making an investment in the development of charging infrastructure, further incentivizing the adoption of electric motors. This infrastructure not only enables convenient charging but also stimulates job creation and economic boom. As electric powertrains become extra usual, the related economic blessings are poised to have a widespread effect on various industries and nearby economies.

Technological Advancements:

Electric powertrains are at the forefront of technological innovation in the car sector. These systems boast superior functions, including regenerative braking, advanced power efficiency, and seamless integration with clever technologies. The constant evolution of electric powertrain technology contributes to better performance, longer battery life, and extended use variety, addressing early concerns approximately the practicality of electrical vehicles.


Powering Tomorrow: Battery Management System Market Dynamics

The value of the battery management system market stood at USD 7,177.5 million in 2022, and this number is projected to reach USD 26,797 million by 2030, advancing at a CAGR of 17.90% during 2022–2030.

This growth can mainly be credited to the growing demand for e-vehicles and the mounting use of electric batteries in consumer electronics.

The lithium-ion category had the largest market share, in 2022, as Li-ion batteries offer numerous benefits over other battery types, including better energy density, improved resilience, a longer lifespan, and lower maintenance needs.

Additionally, Li-ion batteries are green, as they comprise comparatively lower levels of poisonous heavy metals than other battery types, including lead–acid, and nickel–cadmium.

The modular topology category is all set to experience the fastest growth by the end of the decade. For most of the manufacturers, modular topology is ideal, as it offers considerable computational power and is safe to use, as it doesn’t require wide wire harnesses.

Modular topology is also appropriate for several functionalities, including energy storage systems, in industrial UPS, medical mobility vehicles, drones, and parts of electric vehicles.
In order to evade vehicle failure, such cells should be kept and regulated, creating the system a serious component in the e-vehicle design. The system regulates the battery’s performance, utilization, and safety. It also surges the battery lifespan and range of the vehicle.

Additionally, China dominates the APAC industry, as it is a central hub of automotive manufacturing. The national market is boosted by a surge in the production of batteries and automobiles utilized in vehicles. Also, China is a global dominator in the manufacturing of electrical equipment. This is projected to boost product demand.

Hence, the growing demand for e-vehicles and the mounting use of electric batteries in consumer electronics are the major factors contributing to the growth of the battery management system market.

Largest Revenue Share in Digital Pens Market is Held by North America

The digital pen demand will reach USD 6,410 million by 2030, progressing at a rate of 13.6% by the end of this decade. The industry is powered by the increasing disposable income, snowballing use of digital pens for eliminating paperwork, and mounting requirement for cutting-edge features of digital pens.

Active pens led the digital pen market with a share of 46%, in 2022. These pens permit users to write directly onto a computing device, as well as a tablet computer, smartphone, and ultra-book.

Digital Pen Market
Digital Pen Market

The cursor is continuously underneath the tip; therefore, they are extremely precise. The key advantage of the active pen is its improved functionality. These are easy to use while also sustaining more intricate necessities.
They are the first-choice of digital artists, independent writers, illustrators, graphic designers, and educators. Moreover, it addresses the problem of paper signatures and supporting e-signatures.

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Also, more than a few consumers nowadays own over one phone, with diverse operating systems, as a result of which the requirement for digital pens with numerous operating system compatibility is rising.Clinical documentation led the industry in terms of revenue. These kinds of pens permit clinicians to employ their preferred technique of documentation, dictation, as well as voice recognition, and transcription of medical documentation, into digitalized forms.

It also helps in the integration of clinical language understanding and natural language processing, which benefits in examining the clinical data.Tech progressions in digital knowhows and cutting-edge features of digital pens are playing an essential role in the development of the market. The fast expansion of computer technology is snowballing HCI activities.

North America had a largest share, of 38%, in the digital pen market. The increasing use of digital pens in the healthcare and education sectors is supporting the growth of the industry. By the end of this decade, the employment in healthcare occupations will grow with a minimum of 16%.

Furthermore, the growing use of smart devices, developments in digital tech, and high income of the individuals are the main reason for the growth of the industry. The U.S. is ranked 6th worldwide and first in Central and North America for IT innovation and 4th for technical knowledge.

Illuminating the Future: Exploring the Solar Street Lighting Market and Its Benefits

The development of smart cities and reduction in the prices of solar street lighting solutions will increase the value of the solar street lighting market from $5.7 billion in 2019 to $14.6 billion by 2030, at a 9.4% CAGR during 2020–2030 (forecast period). Other factors contributing to the growth include the rapid infrastructure development and shift to solar power for sustainable and reliable lighting. Moreover, the fast-paced urbanization in developing countries is generating numerous opportunities for the market to grow.

Solar Street Lighting Market
Solar Street Lighting Market

Governments across the globe are developing smart cities that will deploy solar street lights in large numbers, thus amplifying the solar street lighting market size. India, Saudi Arabia, China, South Korea, and the U.S. are home to numerous smart cities, and more of these are under development. These countries are constructing such cities for enhancing the standard of living and conserving the precious resources. For instance, South Korea, in September 2018, signed a letter of intent with Malaysia to construct a smart city in Kota Kinabalu in Sabah.

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The component segment of the solar street lighting market is divided into lamp, solar panel, battery, and controller. Under this segment, the solar panel division generated the highest revenue in 2019, and it is expected to maintain its dominance during the forecast period. Solar panels are a quintessential component of a solar lighting system, and they are relatively costlier than other components. These panels offer electricity to charge the battery in daylight, which illuminates the lamps attached to them in less or no sunlight.

The solar street lighting market is dominated by Koninklijke Philips N.V., Sunna Design SA, Bridgelux Inc., and SolarOne Solutions Inc. because of the premium-quality products provided by these companies. Other players in the market include Azuri Technologies Ltd., FlexSol Solutions B.V., Eaton Corporation Inc., Leadsun Inc., Su-Kam Power Systems Ltd., Sunna Design SA, Solar Lighting International Inc., BISOL Group d.o.o., Orion Energy Systems Inc., and Zhuhai Bomin Solar Technology Co. Ltd.

Europe Dominated the Grow Light Market

The size of the grow lights market was $1,481 million in 2021, and it will reach to $13,183 million by 2030, advancing at a growth rate of 28% in the years to come as per a report published by P&S Intelligence.

LEDs will be the most used in the years to come. This will be because of increase in the requirement of customers for energy-efficient and affordable grow lights and the increase in the count of government programs for promoting the use of LED drivers and lights.

Grow Lights Market
Grow Lights Market

Furthermore, the growing requirement for economical and durable horticulture lights in numerous countries and the increasing usage of such lights in new farming activities because of their appropriate intensity for plant growth and cost-effectiveness are the main reasons of the high requirement for products.

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Additionally, the need for retrofit installations is generally greater than the new ones because the latter needs lots a huge capital investment and a lot of time.

Vertical farming will have the fastest growth in the future in grow lights market with a growth rate of approximately of around 29.8%. This growth will be due the snowballing need for herbs and food, cultivated in vertically stacked layers; and the increasing count of such farms, particularly in developed countries, because of the lack of space required for setting up conventional farms.

The revenue share of the commercial greenhouses category was the largest in the recent past, and it will dominate the industry in the future as well.
Europe had the largest revenue share, of approximately 33%, and it will maintain its dominance in the near future too. This can be because of the significant use of LED lights to grow plants in commercial greenhouses and a large base of consumers.

APAC will grow the fastest by the end of this decade. This can be due to the rising rate of urbanization, increasing requirement for food, growing population, budding acceptance of new agri- technologies, and increasing emphasis on urban farming.

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