Why DG Sets are Increasingly Becoming Popular in Thailand?

In Thailand there is a significant development in various infrastructures such as resorts, hotels, hospitals, offices, and others, which is generating a large necessity for power backup solutions, for instance, DG sets.

Moreover, DG sets are also gaining popularity in Thailand due to the increasing need for power generation systems on islands with unreliable or no grid connectivity. For example, as per an article in Taipei Times, Ko Phaluai Island in Thailand has zero central electricity source, as a result, individuals utilize small diesel-fueled generators to provide power.

DG sets can be turned off or on in just a few seconds, therefore these machines have fast response and by utilizing a liquid fuel, they can function without interruption for a long duration.

Increasing Residential Societies in Thailand Boost DG Sets Sell

Funding by governments and real estate organizations is increasing in the residential sector of Thailand. The advancement of the residential sector is well accompanied by that of the sector of corporate because it is boosting the requirement for semi-urban and urban housing, which significantly increase the need for DG sets in residential area.

Moreover, the Thailand government has enlarged its funding to develop and enhance its infrastructure in the last few years, via public–private partnerships and public investments. During the last decade, the Thailand government invested around USD 116 billion for the infrastructure progression. This will generate a positive impact on the sales of DG sets in the nation.

Types of DG Sets Used in Thailand

DG sets can be categorized based on their power rating, types of DG sets include 5–75 ­kVA, 76–375 kVA, 376–750 kVA, and above 750 kVA. Among these, the above-750-kVA DG sets are the most extensively used type in Thailand. This is mainly due to the high-power necessity in the industrial settings in the nation.

The nation is a top producer of high-tech goods, particularly those related to electronics and automobiles. In addition, the emphasis of the nation is on the manufacturing of additional value-added products, for its economic advancement, which urges startups to increase their facilities of production, as a result, increasing the need for DG sets.

Coming to an End

The DG set sector in Thailand is likely to advance significantly in the years to come with the surging competition between major providers of DG set. Furthermore, new businesses are more involved in collaborating with other providers, therefore further increasing the levels of competition.


Charging Ahead: Exploring Trends and Innovations in the EV Fast Charging Infrastructure Market

There is no doubt in the fact that EVs are the future of the vehicle industry. But one thing that is still left to be addressed is the time taken to charge an electric vehicle.

Fast Charging Always the Question

The common question asked with respect to EV is always, will EVs be charged in the amount of time taken to fill up a tank of a vehicle with petrol, diesel or even gas. Innovations have been happening in order to decrease the time taken for the electric vehicles to charge.

Governments are trying to come up with initiatives to boost the sales of electric vehicles, but this dream can turn in reality only than there is a proper fast charging infrastructure all over the world.

Why Not Slow Charging for EVs?

Slow charging, usually takes 6 to 12 hours at a 3kW power. Fast charging is becoming common in public infra, can take 1 to 3 hours at a power of 7-22kW.

Ultra-fast charging is the need of the hour to achieve the dream of complete electrification of vehicles, as will the infra for charging an ever-growing vehicle count. This infra could, eventually, be arranged in charging hubs in city centres, as planners build shifting mobility necessities into city design.

Managing the Grid Well

The power grid will take a huge toll, with the fast charging infra coming in place for charging electric vehicles, so a lot of thinking will be put in place for developing such an infra for fast charging, that charges the vehicles in a jiffy, and at the same time do not put much burden on the grid.

If a lot of vehicles are charged at the same time, then there is every chance that the grid will overloaded. Innovative solutions are needed to be thought of to build a bridge between the demand and supply. Battery storage systems can also be thought of.

 Can Ultra-Fast Charging Become a Reality

In the current scenario, as mentioned earlier, there is a call for an ultra-fast EV charging to say the least. But, can it become a reality anytime soon, remains the biggest question to be answered.

Regulatory hurdles are the biggest blockage to the development of an ultra-fast charging network, and there has to be continuous support from the governments to tech advances if it is to become a reality, anytime soon. Working with the network operators for electrification of transportation will hasten both the acceptance of EVs but also the rate at which charging infra is built out across the globe.

With an intention to quicken the adoption of EV, the demand of the fast charging infrastructure will grow substantially in the future, to reach USD 18,909.8 million by the end of this decade.

A Deep Dive into the World of Thin Film Encapsulation

There is no doubt that we are living in the world of science and technology as well as innovation.  The inclusion of innovation and technology has touched all the industries, and also the facets of life. When we talk of the display devices, a lot of development has gone into making the displays more advanced and vibrant in the contemporary scenario, especially the displays of wearable like smartwatches and fitness bands. The most advanced kind of display is the OLED display.

Well, this blog will not have a complete focus on the OLED display or technology, but on TFE or Thin Film Encapsulation, and why is it considered as the most advanced display technology going forward.

Some Insight into the Thin Film Encapsulation Technology

It is very common to see the people wearing smart wearable devices, and this trend will grow stronger ands stronger in the years to come.  With the increase of wearable devices, flexible active-matrix OLEDs are seen as the next-gen display tech. To guarantee protection of flexible devices, conventional encapsulation methods are not appropriate as a result of their characteristic rigidity, and TFE is considered as the most promising tech.

TFE is based on a multi-layer film, formulated of alternating inorganic and organic layers. The inorganic layers are characteristically made of metal oxides and function as the barriers of moisture. These layers are almost tremendously good barriers, but they are mechanically inflexible and brittle. Furthermore, these layers alone would obviously present pinhole defects, that in the long run would let oxygen and water in. In normal TFE structures, organic planarization interlayers are employed, for improving the mechanical properties of the multilayer and to limit the water infusion through the pinholes.

The organic layers are frequently put by ink-jet printing, while or ALD can be used for the deposition of the inorganic layers, usually made of nitrides or oxides. These layers must be put at low temperature, deprived of damaging the OLED stack, which is underneath. If seamlessly integrated, TFE could allow truly lightweight, flexible, devices, entirely on the basis of plastics.

TFE is consequently a very intricate design, where each component has to be physically, chemically, mechanically and optically enhanced, for assuring more than a few years of lifetime to the OLED device, deprived of damages. From the point of view of material design, TFE is tremendously challenging and incessant research is on-going, in order to optimize both the inorganic and organic layers materials and the consistent deposition processes.

Coming to a Close

In the contemporary time, the application areas of the thin film encapsulation have increased, and what’s more it is used in the latest smartphones and smart wearables. Smartphones and smart wearables are owned by almost everyone, and the number is only growing.

These are the main reasons why the demand for thin film encapsulation is on the rise, and it will reach a value of USD 310.4 million by the end of this decade.

Fusing Strength and Innovation: Navigating Trends in the Thermoplastic Polyester Engineering Resins Market

The thermoplastic polyester engineering resins market was USD 3,912.2 million in 2022, and it will touch USD 5,896.6 million, advancing at a 5.4% compound annual growth rate, by 2030.

The growth of the industry is attributed to the increasing utilization of these resins for various nonstructural applications as they can be utilized without filters and are usually tougher and more ductile than thermoset resins. Furthermore, they are extensively accessible to meet domestic requirements and are easy to recycle. The rising need from the automobile and electronic sectors is also propelling the advancement of the industry.

Thermoplastic Polyester Engineering Resins (TPER) Market
Thermoplastic Polyester Engineering Resins (TPER) Market

The polybutylene terephthalate category will advance at a steady rate in the years to come. This is because of the growing requirement for PBT in the electrical and automobile sectors. PBT has unique features, including heat resistance, semi-crystalline, and lightweight, because of which conventional materials including bronze, ceramics, and cast iron in the automotive sector are getting replaced.

In 2022, the automotive category, based on application, led the thermoplastic polyester engineering resins market, with 40% share, and it will remain leading in the years to come. The automotive sector has gained momentum, over the past few years, and key manufacturers of automobiles are utilizing thermoplastic polyester to produce parts of vehicles, which benefits them to lessen the overall weight of the automobiles.

In 2022, APAC dominated the thermoplastic polyester engineering resins industry, with 55% share, and it will remain dominant in the years to come. This is primarily because of the increasing requirement for automobiles and electronics in the continent. The requirement for vehicles is speedily rising in regional nations such as China, India, Indonesia, and Australia.

Therefore, the count of commercial, passenger, and local manufacturing facilities of automobiles is quickly increasing in these nations to meet international and domestic needs.

North America is likely to observe significant growth in the years to come. This is primarily because of the mounting need for recycled plastics, the existence of major players, and the growing emphasis on fuel-efficient vehicles, because of which manufacturers are extensively utilizing TPER to make their automobiles lightweight.

With the mounting utilization of such resins for numerous industrial applications, the thermoplastic polyester engineering resins industry will continue to advance in the years to come.